Tuesday, January 9

Have you seen the Pie Man?

Well no - couldn't find him, so I had to become the pie woman! After all the excesses and fancy food consumed over Christmas, all I felt like was a hearty home-cooked meal. J had got a bee in his bonnet about using his pie maker that resides in the bottom cupboard in the kitchen gathering dust (this machine has not seen any action during entire duration of our relationship, so has at least 6+ years of blackened something stuck under the lid...) so we bought some Puff Pastry and had a go. The instructions were very strict about following the recipe to the letter, so I pretty much did (I just added Onion and Mushrooms and a few slices of tomato on top) and made the plain meat pie (which basically consists of steak, tomato paste, gravy powder, and whatever herbs you like). Anyhow, the result was nice, eaten with a plain Rocket, Fetta, and Avocado salad.

Nice as Pie

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