Tuesday, August 22

Tuesday Sausage Extravaganza!

Well Tuesday turned out to be a bit of a dud (sorry J). First the business lunch I went to at the Crown Ballroom was pretty ordinary, a chicken main that smelled and tasted very strongly of capsicum and then a cheese and fruit plate that I totally missed out on because I had stupidly chosen the serving time to go to the ladies.... With high hopes for dinner after this lacklustre lunch I ventured home for the promised 'Sausage Extravaganza'. Well, for one thing (the main thing) I didn't like the sausages. This is a huge impediment to a Sausage Extravaganza... The sausages were good quality (bought at Vic Markets last weekend) and they were cooked to perfection with a most agreeable vegetable 'smash' on the side (or actually underneath). The problem I had was with the absolute inundation of fennel seeds inside this sausage. They are sold as Pork and Fennel sausages, so I should have known what to expect, but seriously, these sausages contained enough fennel to start a plantation, or maybe they are used to smuggle fennel into victoria from somewhere with a serious oversupply? Are they worth something on the black market? Either way, I have done my dash with Sausage Extravaganzas for the time being.
Pork & Fennel Sausage Extravaganza

Lots of popcorn at the moment - quick easy comfort which goes perfectly with my very favourite MSG based flavour enhancer 'Aromat'. No sausages.

Up Next
Thursday night is date night - we shall see....

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